Ourlyard™ Magnesium Oil & Bee Venom Joint Healing Spray
Quick pain relief in just 5 minutes
Ourlyard™ comes in a spray form, allowing for quick and even delivery of ingredients like magnesium oil to the muscles and joints. Magnesium oil, one of the key ingredients, is rapidly absorbed by the skin, penetrating deep into the joints and muscles to relax them and alleviate pain caused by arthritis, muscle tension, or sports injuries. Not only does magnesium help relieve cramps, but it also effectively reduces inflammation, helping to restore joint mobility and comfort at the root level.
Restore joint flexibility in 7 days
Ourlyard™ Spray, with its natural bee venom ingredients, helps effectively improve joint flexibility. Bee venom contains an active substance called “melittin” that penetrates deep into the joints, relieving stiffness and discomfort caused by inflammation, and aiding in the restoration of joint mobility. Over time, the anti-inflammatory effects of bee venom will continue to work, promoting synovial fluid production, which provides better lubrication for the joints, reduces friction, and ultimately leads to a noticeable improvement in joint flexibility within 7 days.
Long-term use promotes bone health
The combination of bee venom and magnesium oil in Ourlyard™ Spray offers long-term benefits for bone health. Bee venom helps improve local blood circulation, accelerating the repair of damaged tissues. Magnesium oil enhances the mineral metabolism of bones, promoting an increase in bone density. Together, they not only effectively relieve joint pain but also strengthen bones, support long-term bone health, and help prevent osteoporosis and other bone degeneration issues.
Ourlyard™ Magnesium Oil & Bee Venom Joint Healing Spray contains six proven, powerful ingredients that have been used to effectively treat arthritis and bone-related conditions in millions of people around the world.![]()

Magnesiumöl ist eine hochkonzentrierte Lösung von Magnesiumsalzen, die schnell durch die Haut aufgenommen wird. Magnesium ist entscheidend für die Gesundheit von Muskeln und Knochen, da es hilft, die Muskeln zu entspannen, Muskelkrämpfe zu lindern und Schmerzen, die durch Arthritis verursacht werden, zu verringern. Magnesium hat zudem ausgeprägte entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften, die Schwellungen und Entzündungen in den Gelenken reduzieren und die Gelenkbeweglichkeit verbessern.
Bienengift ist reich an verschiedenen aktiven Bestandteilen wie Phospholipase A2, Peptiden und Enzymen, die die Blutzirkulation anregen und bei der Linderung von Arthritis- und Muskelschmerzen helfen. Bienengift hat natürliche entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften, die Entzündungsreaktionen reduzieren und Schwellungen sowie Steifheit in den Gelenken lindern. Darüber hinaus fördert Bienengift die Gewebereparatur, stellt die Gelenkbeweglichkeit wieder her und stärkt die Bewegungsfähigkeit.
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is a natural organic sulfur compound commonly used in joint health products. It helps reduce arthritis and muscle pain, alleviate inflammation, and improve joint flexibility. MSM aids in repairing cartilage tissue and promotes collagen synthesis, which helps enhance joint durability and overall health, making it particularly beneficial for long-term use.
Curcumin is a potent antioxidant derived from turmeric, known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It not only helps alleviate pain caused by arthritis but also inhibits the inflammatory responses that lead to joint damage. When combined with bee venom and magnesium oil, it further enhances the effectiveness in relieving arthritis symptoms and plays a positive role in the repair and protection of joint cartilage.
Kollagen Typ II ist der Hauptbestandteil des Gelenkknorpels und trägt dazu bei, die Elastizität und Schmierung der Gelenke wiederherzustellen. Es spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verlangsamung der Gelenkdegeneration und der Reparatur von beschädigtem Knorpel. Die Einnahme von Kollagen kann die Struktur der Gelenke stärken und Schmerzen und Beschwerden verhindern, die durch Gelenkverschleiß und Degeneration verursacht werden. In Kombination mit Inhaltsstoffen wie Bienengift und Magnesiumöl kann es die gesamte Behandlungseffektivität steigern und die Gelenkgesundheit fördern.
Glucosamin ist eine natürlich im Gelenkknorpel vorkommende Substanz, die weit verbreitet zur Behandlung von degenerativen Gelenkerkrankungen wie Arthrose eingesetzt wird. Es hilft, den Knorpel zu reparieren und das Gleichgewicht der Gelenkflüssigkeit aufrechtzuerhalten, lindert Gelenkschmerzen und fördert die Gelenkgesundheit. In Kombination mit Bienengift und Magnesiumöl bietet es eine stärkere Unterstützung und Schutz, hilft, Gelenkbeschwerden zu lindern und die Gelenkfunktion wiederherzustellen.
Recommended by renowned arthritis specialists in Australia
Jennifer Richardson Osteopath, located in the heart of Sydney, offers comprehensive osteopathic and health management services.Jennifer Richardson is an experienced orthopaedic specialist with extensive clinical expertise and a strong background in sports science. A graduate of Western Sydney University, she holds relevant qualifications and has practised in multiple clinics across Sydney. Jennifer’s areas of expertise include sports rehabilitation, the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, and interventions for chronic pain caused by poor posture. Her approach is evidence-based, combining manual therapy and exercise therapy to deliver comprehensive health support.
Jennifer Richardson
“As an orthopedic surgeon, I endorse Ourlyard™ Magnesium Oil & Bee Venom Joint Healing Sprayfor individuals suffering from joint and bone conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammatory disorders. This spary contains active ingredients like bee venom filtrate, glucosamine, and chondroitin, which work to alleviate inflammation, nourish joints, and enhance mobility. It also aids in rebuilding and restoring cartilage and bone tissue, alleviating pain and stiffness while eliminating harmful crystals that can accumulate in joints, thereby improving overall joint function.”
Say Goodbye To Lengthy Treatments And Unhealthy Chemicals!
What Makes The Ourlyard™ Magnesium Oil & Bee Venom Joint Healing Spray Be The GREAT CHOICE:
✓ Relieve Arthritis Pain Eliminate joint inflammation
✓ Eliminates cysts and edema
✓ Promotes joint tissue repair Improve joint elasticity and mobility
✓ Promotes joint repair and regeneration
✓ Promote blood circulation
✓ No side effects
✓ Can be used both day and night
✓ Effective in one application
✓ Clinical medical research centers have proven its effectiveness
✓ Developed and manufactured by Ourlyard™, with approval from the GTA
✓ Does not contain any harmful ingredients
✓ Cruelty-free.
✓ Recommended by orthopedic medical experts
Here’s some more real feedback from our satisfied customers.
“As I’ve gotten older, I’ve developed gout in my hands, and the swollen tophi were making everyday life a real struggle. I’d tried all sorts of expensive treatments, but nothing seemed to work. Then a friend of mine, who works at a joint rehab clinic in Sydney, suggested I give Ourlyard™ Magnesium Oil & Bee Venom Joint Healing Spray a go. After using it consistently for around 38 days, the swollen tophi completely disappeared, as if they were never there. I’m absolutely thrilled with the results and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone dealing with similar issues.”– Benjamin Harris, 210 Gumtree Lane, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
“For years, I struggled with constant knee pain and swelling—my friends used to joke that my knees looked like footballs. When I came across Ourlyard™ Magnesium Oil & Bee Venom Joint Healing Spray, I thought I’d give it a go, and it turned out to be the best decision! In less than three weeks, I noticed an incredible improvement—my knee pain eased significantly, and the swelling completely disappeared. Now, I feel like I’ve fully recovered, and this spray has truly made a difference in my life. I’m so grateful for it!”– Isabella Walker, 51 Bluebell Way, Cairns, Queensland, Australia
“Last April, I noticed a lump on my elbow, and after seeing a doctor, I was diagnosed with bursitis. My doctor suggested I try Ourlyard™ Magnesium Oil & Bee Venom Joint Healing Spray. Based on her experience treating bursitis and other similar conditions, she was confident it would help. I ordered 10 bottles, and she assured me it would work. I stuck with it daily, and after about a month, I started seeing real results. Now, my elbow is back to normal, and the issue hasn’t come back!”– Jack Taylor, 56 Acacia Boulevard, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Ourlyard™ Magnesium Oil & Bee Venom Joint Healing Spray (1/2/4/6/8 bottle).
Shelf life: 3 years
Some of my elders have used it and have seen positive improvements. This alternative can save you over $3000 compared to costly surgical treatment.
It doesn’t look like they’re being killed or harmed because we’re using new technology to get bee venom without harming the bees. Ether is used to anesthetize the nerves of bees. After the bees inhale enough ether vapor, it will cause the bees to spit honey and expel poison. After the ether disappears, the bees will fly away. This process is considered humane and will not hurt. After decades of cultivation and breeding in New Zealand, the high quality of bee venom can be guaranteed. Bees are farmed 100% natural, hypoallergenic, orthopedist tested
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